Rating: 8/10

This review has to be kept short because this book and I have an awkward relationship. To be more specific, I started this book as an audiobook back in the beginning of July. Then, as I had rented the audiobook from the library, my hold ran out so I had to return it. I didn't end up picking the physical book up to finish until September. It was finished on October 1st, but I neglected to review it until now. Therefore, I don't really remember very many intricacies about the book. It was very action-packed and entertaining. This is the first Cassandra Clare series that I've read with multiple POVs and I think she handles it well. The story in this book certainly does a complete 180 from Lady Midnight, but I didn't really mind. I've always been fond of the way that Clare writes characters and dialogue and this book didn't change that. I've grown very attached to Julian. A word of warning though, the end of this book is CRUSHING. It hurt so much that I avoided reading the third book because I didn't want to deal with all the emotions that came with it (I've started it now, but it took all my will).