What's up bookfam? On top of my normal, pre-established TBR for March, I've picked up some reads and I'm here to share my progress. Right now I'm working on Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood By: Sarah J. Maas (non-TBR), A Stolen Life By: Jaycee Dugard (which is on my TBR), All My Mother's Lovers By: Ilana Masad (an ARC I recently received), and the Dark Corners Collection for Amazon (audiobook). Suffice it to say, on top of schoolwork and normal work, I've been busy.
My friend and I have been reading Crescent City together and have been limiting ourselves to 10 chapters a day so that one doesn't overtake the other. I have to say, after the murder the story speeds up quite a bit, it has been a great read so far. There was a big slap of background and setting information in the beginning that was overwhelming to say the least. Since then though, it has been less intense with all the information. We are currently 454 pages in out of 799. While I haven't been able to figure out who is responsible for the murders yet (I'm working on it, I think I'll get there before it's revealed), I have guessed two of the surprises. SJM- 0; Me- 2. To be fair, I only knew who the identity of the angel that was attacked because I had misled myself about the identity of the love interest. Don't ask why I thought the love interest was supposed to be the attacked angel because honestly I can't explain. The identity of the horn thief was pretty obvious to myself and my reading buddy. Seriously though, this book is wild. Like if you haven't gotten into it yet? Do it. It's worth the hype.
I don't have much to say about A Stolen Life, it's very intense that's for sure. It really isn't for those who are offended or disgusted easily. For those of you that don't know, it tells the story of an 11-year-old who was kidnapped and assaulted for 18 years. The girl, Jaycee Dugard, is writing the story herself and she's not pulling any punches. If it happened, she goes into it, which means that you read about the disgusting things that this predator did to her. I'm only 77 pages into it but it's already abundantly clear that this book isn't for the faint of heart. Her style of writing threw me at first as well. I didn't like it when I first started. I think it's because she's taking the tone of an 11-year-old. I've gotten used to it now, but at first is was a bit off-putting.
I haven't quite cracked into All My Mother's Lovers yet, but next time I have a moment I will be. I can already tell from the WILD first page that it's going to be an intense read. I'm getting a serious yet light-hearted/comedic from it and I think that it's going to be really good.
Lastly we're tackling the audiobook. I say audiobook, but it's really a collection of short stories. I found it on the prime reading/audible books. It's just a collection of short stories from some recognizable authors. The authors include Jennifer McMahon, Emily Raboteau, Joyce Carol Oates, Brandi Reeds, Edgar Cantero, Adam Haslett, and Lisa Unger. They're all short-ish horror stories. The shortest audio is 59 minutes and the longest is 2 hours and 30 minutes. I've really enjoyed them so far. I've listened to 5 of 7 and I definitely have opinions, I'm going to post a ranking/review once I'm finished. If you have Prime Reading then they're certainly worth listening to/reading.